
The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community: A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014/15

The aim of the Framework for Action is to support a more consistent approach to falls prevention and management and in doing so improve experiences and outcomes for older people, their families and carers; and to accelerate the pace of implementing integrated falls and fragility fracture pathways.

Development of the Framework for Action

The Framework for Action was developed as part of the National Falls Programme by the Programme Manager in partnership with CH(C)P Falls Leads representing all partnership areas in Scotland and other key stakeholders. It is informed by recommendations and evidence from current published guidance and research, and the tacit knowledge of health and social care professionals with subject matter knowledge and experience. Participants in the national meeting that resulted in the first draft of the Framework are listed in Appendix 1. A broad range of stakeholders have responded to a public consultation; the feedback received shaped the final document.


Email: Susan Malcolm

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