
The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community: A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014/15

The aim of the Framework for Action is to support a more consistent approach to falls prevention and management and in doing so improve experiences and outcomes for older people, their families and carers; and to accelerate the pace of implementing integrated falls and fragility fracture pathways.

Summary of Actions to achieve the minimum standard for 2014/16

Stage One: Supporting health improvement and self management to reduce the risk of falls and fragility fractures

Action 1.1

Up-to-date information on the prevention of falls and the prevention of harm from falls (including fractures) is made available to older people (and others at risk of falls), their carers and relatives.

Stage Two: Identifying individuals at high risk of falls and/or fragility fractures

Action 2.1

Health and social care services have a level 1 conversation with an older person who reports a fall or an injury or functional decline caused by a fall.

Action 2.2

Everyone identified at risk of further falls through a level 1 conversation is offered intervention to identify and address possible contributory factors, i.e. at least a level 2 screen.

Stage 3: Responding to an individual who has just fallen and requires immediate assistance

Action 3.1

Responding services have a standard operating procedure for responding to an older person who has fallen and has or has not sustained injuries.

Action 3.2

A responding service attends an older person who has fallen within one hour of being alerted to the fall, or as close to this timescale as possible given geographical and other constraints.

Action 3.3

Responding services have a standard operating procedure for identifying and meeting the immediate needs of an older person who has fallen.

Action 3.4

Health and social care services working with older people in their own homes (including care homes) and day care facilities have a standard operating procedure to identify and meet the immediate needs of a person who falls in their presence or is found on the floor.

Action 3.5

Responding services have a level 1 conversation with an older person presenting following a fall who is not conveyed to hospital.

Action 3.6

Services have a level 1 conversation with an older person they assist in the event of a fall who is not conveyed to hospital.

Stage 4: Co-ordinated management including specialist assessment

Action 4.1

An older person identified at risk of further falls is offered a level 2 screen.

Action 4.2

Health and social care services providing level 2 screen have a governance infrastructure to ensure suitable staff undertake the screen.

Action 4.3

Following level 2 screen the person is provided with a personalised Fall and Fracture Prevention Action Plan.

Action 4.4

Following a level 2 screen there are referral pathways into services that provide specialist assessment (level 3) and intervention.

Action 4.5

Services providing a level 2 screen can refer directly into services that provide specialist assessment (level 3) and intervention.

Action 4.6

Level 3 assessment and interventions offered are in line with current and emerging evidence.

Action 4.7

There is a quality assurance process which monitors whether or not Fall and Fracture Prevention Action Plans are implemented.


Email: Susan Malcolm

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