Priority Applications for Transmission Infrastructure guidance: Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989

Setting out the procedure for priority applications for consent to install overhead line transmission infrastructure under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989.

Appendix 1: Indicative 52 week application timeline

a flow chart showing the application process for Section 37 Applications for transmission projects, including timescales, from the submission of the application to the point of a decision being made of the application. The flow chart includes the steps in the process for the ECU and for the DPEA.

Graphic text below:

Step 1 – happens at week 0 in the process - Application submitted. DPEA to identify reporter

Step 2 – happens at week 2 in the process - Public Notices Published

Step 3a – happens between weeks 3 and 7 in the process - Consultation Period for Statutory Consultees and General Public. Go to Step 4

Step 3b – happens between weeks 3 and10 in the process- Consultation Period for Planning Authority. Reporter to read application. Go to Step 5.

Step 4 – happens at week 7 in the process – End of consultation period for statutory consultees and general public.

Step 5 – happens at week 10 in the process - End of consultation period for Planning Authority. The Planning Authority can submit either No Objection or an Objection. ECU to pass DPEA all representations and consultee responses.

Step 6 - happens at week 12 in the process – Seek position statement for applicant of other parties.

Step 7 - Happens at week 13 in the process – Position Statements Received. Decision is made to either Hold a Public Inquiry (Move to Step 8) or not hold a public inquiry (Move to Step 9).

Step 8 – Happens between weeks 15 and 46 in the process. Consideration by ECU. Move to Step 22.

Step 9 – Happens at week 15 in the process – Opt-in letters issued

Step 10 - Happens at week 17 in the process – Opt-in responses received.

Step 11 - Happens at week 19 in the process – Pre-Inquiry Meeting held

Step 12 - Happens at week 20 in the process – Note of Pre-Inquiry Meeting circulated

Step 13 - Happens at week 23 in the process – Initial round of written submissions (including applicant position on conditions).

Step 14 - Happens at week 25 in the process – Second round of written submissions. Submission of all documents (including all other parties position on conditions).

Step 15 – Happens at week 27 in the process – Final round of written submissions (precognitions / rebuttal hearing statements).

Step 16 – Happens at week 29 in the process – Hearing agendas issued.

Step 17 - Happens at week 30 in the process – Oral evidence sessions begin.

Step 18 - Happens at week 32 in the process – Oral Evidence sessions end.

Step 19 - Happens at week 33 in the process – Closing submissions from other parties

Step 20 - Happens at week 34 in the process – Closing submissions from Applicant

Step 21 - Happens at week 46 in the process – Report of Inquiry sent to ECU.

Step 22 - Happens at week 48 in the process – Submission to Ministers.

Step 23 – Happens at week 52 in the process – Decision Issued.



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