Priority Applications for Transmission Infrastructure guidance: Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989

Setting out the procedure for priority applications for consent to install overhead line transmission infrastructure under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989.

4. Pre-Application

Pre-Application Community Engagement

Although there is presently no statutory requirement for pre-application community engagement under the Electricity Act, the Scottish Ministers consider such engagement to be essential for major transmission infrastructure projects. Applicants are expected to have meaningful engagement, at each stage where stakeholders can influence proposals, with any stakeholders who would be affected by, or have an interest in, development proposals.

Separate guidance sets out the Scottish Government’s expectations covering pre-application engagement with communities.

Pre-Application Discussions with ECU

Early engagement is encouraged to assist ECU and relevant statutory consultees in managing their resources and casework. Prospective Applicants should complete a Pre-application Form as soon as it is known that an application for section 37 consent for installation of an overhead transmission line will be made.

This will assist ECU in forward planning and ensure the Scottish Ministers have information on proposals that are likely to come forward to them for consideration.

The ECU will undertake regular portfolio meetings with the transmission companies to understand pre application milestones and projected submissions of scoping requests and applications. More in depth meetings on specific proposals will be held where necessary at appropriate times in the pre-application process.

The ECU will share with the DPEA anticipated submission timetables to allow for the planning of resources.



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