Priority Applications for Transmission Infrastructure guidance: Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989

Setting out the procedure for priority applications for consent to install overhead line transmission infrastructure under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989.

6. Procedural Gatecheck

No later than one month before submission, the Applicant will confirm to the ECU the week during which the application will be made. On receipt of this notice, the ECU will arrange a Procedural Gatecheck meeting with the Applicant, to be held two weeks prior to the application being submitted.

At this Gatecheck meeting, the ECU will provide (having consulted with DPEA) the fixed 52 week timeline for the application, which is to be applied should a public inquiry be required.

The Applicant and ECU will confirm at the meeting that all the necessary documentation and supporting information will be in place and will be provided with the application. Two weeks in advance of this meeting, the Applicant shall provide:

  • the format and content of public notices to comply with the Consent Regulations and the EIA Regulations (as required), and include the names of the locations where the documents will be available for public viewing (and their respective opening hours), and the proposed dates of publication of those notices in the appropriate newspapers [2];
  • the public bodies (both statutory and non-statutory) the Applicant proposes to be consulted, including any community councils in the vicinity, with up-to-date email contact details;
  • the payment of the relevant application fee

Immediately following the Gatecheck meeting, the Applicant will inform the statutory consultees, relevant Planning Authority, affected landowners and local stakeholders of the date the application is to be made.

The application documents shall be provided to the relevant Planning Authority and statutory consultees and placed in the public viewing locations which have been agreed with the ECU on the date of submission of the application to the ECU.



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