
Prison-based health and wellbeing interventions: evidence review and survey of provision

This study is a rapid review of the effectiveness of health and wellbeing interventions in prisons, and presents findings from a survey of Scotland's prisons on the extent to which these interventions are active.

List of abbreviations

AAA Animal assisted activities

AAI Animal assisted interventions

AAT Animal assisted therapy

GOOP Greener on the Outside: For Prisons

HMIPS Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland*

NHS National Health Service

NPrCN National Prison Care Network

SPS Scottish Prison Service

Effectiveness classifications key[1]

Effective: Evidence that the intervention is associated with a positive impact on wellbeing, based on a moderate or strong evidence base.

Promising: Findings were positive but not to the extent that they constituted evidence that an intervention was 'effective'.

Mixed: Studies with contrasting results and/or a body of evidence comprised of 'mixed' evidence.

Inconclusive: Insufficient evidence to make a judgement on impact.

* Please note this research was completed before the death of Her Majesty the Queen.



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