
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

1. Introduction

1. This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Chart 1.1 Average daily prison population (Scotland): 1900 to 2011-12

Chart 1.1 Average daily prison population (Scotland): 1900 to 2011-12

2. After the slight dip observed last year, the prison population has increased by 4 per cent to an annual daily average of 8,178 for 2011-12.

3. The latest set of prison population projections suggest that the daily prison population in Scotland will increase from an annual average of 8,300 in 2012-13 to 9,500 by 2020-21.



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