
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Prisoners released on home detention curfew (HDC): 2007-08 to 2011-12
Table A.8

  2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Average daily population on HDC 1 310 370 373 358 365
Young offenders 55 51 37 36 23
Adults 255 319 336 322 342
Men 274 325 333 320 323
Women 36 45 40 38 42
Number of HDC releases 2,082 2,056 1,885 1,820 1,942
Young offenders 410 296 190 180 115
Adults 1,672 1,760 1,695 1,640 1,827
Men 1,857 1,804 1,674 1,614 1,698
Women 225 252 211 206 244
Number of recalls to custody from HDC 2 511 458 394 381 381
Young offenders 133 71 50 36 26
Adults 378 387 344 345 355
Men 459 407 347 344 321
Women 52 51 47 37 60
Number of re-admissions to custody from HDC 3 66 69 52 35 30
Young offenders 13 13 3 5 2
Adults 53 56 49 30 28
Men 63 60 48 30 30
Women 3 9 4 5  -

Notes: See Section 5 for details of the HDC scheme. Population figures for 2011-12 are provided directly from the Scottish Prison Service PR2 system due to data issues.

1. Figures exclude prisoners recorded as unlawfully at large. This is due to a time lag in recording the outcome of recall procedures in certain cases, which results in an over-estimate of the HDC population if these cases are included. Figures for 2010-11 have been revised upward by about 15% as a result of cleaning outstanding cases recorded as unlawfully at large. Counting conventions for prisoners recorded as unlawfully at large are described in more detail in the notes on tables.

2. Figures for 2007-08 were revised in the 2009-10 data release as a result of technical difficulties in recording the outcome of recall procedures in certain cases. The revised figures are about 10% lower than those published in the original 2007-08 release.

3. Re-admissions typically involve a voluntary return to custody.



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