
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Direct sentenced receptions by age and sex: 2002-03 to 2011-12 Table A.11

  2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 % change over past year
Total 12,829 12,521 12,575 12,921 13,992 14,203 14,638 14,051 13,170 13,677 4
Under 16 4 5  - 2 3 5 5 1  -  -  -
16 135 96 122 134 159 130 109 89 73 71 -3
17 373 354 318 372 388 407 375 323 223 230 3
18 483 455 498 513 554 585 583 572 428 386 -10
19 600 511 537 568 582 619 590 546 447 482 8
20 630 583 473 573 601 611 602 613 538 519 -4
21 - 30 6,285 6,154 5,917 5,690 6,099 6,370 6,419 6,130 5,692 5,737 1
31 - 40 3,056 3,073 3,192 3,412 3,639 3,526 3,784 3,545 3,601 3,865 7
41 - 50 882 919 1,155 1,211 1,518 1,457 1,640 1,691 1,654 1,811 9
Over 50 381 371 363 446 449 493 531 541 514 576 12
Men 12,116 11,743 11,724 12,089 13,059 13,261 13,613 13,029 12,144 12,633 4
Under 16 4 4  - 2 3 5 5 1  -  -  -
16 129 94 116 134 147 125 104 84 71 70 -1
17 353 336 300 363 376 384 351 293 208 221 6
18 452 439 473 487 517 563 553 543 377 370 -2
19 571 469 507 544 552 583 566 514 420 441 5
20 593 543 431 544 562 584 566 584 500 486 -3
21 - 30 5,931 5,755 5,490 5,285 5,639 5,913 5,935 5,676 5,244 5,290 1
31 - 40 2,869 2,892 2,982 3,160 3,411 3,289 3,501 3,279 3,325 3,583 8
41 - 50 845 858 1,083 1,146 1,428 1,365 1,534 1,557 1,523 1,652 8
Over 50 369 353 342 424 424 450 498 498 476 520 9
Women 713 778 851 832 933 942 1,025 1,022 1,026 1,044 2
Under 16  - 1  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
16 6 2 6  - 12 5 5 5 2 1 -50
17 20 18 18 9 12 23 24 30 15 9 -40
18 31 16 25 26 37 22 30 29 51 16 -69
19 29 42 30 24 30 36 24 32 27 41 52
20 37 40 42 29 39 27 36 29 38 33 -13
21 - 30 354 399 427 405 460 457 484 454 448 447  *
31 - 40 187 181 210 252 228 237 283 266 276 282 2
41 - 50 37 61 72 65 90 92 106 134 131 159 21
Over 50 12 18 21 22 25 43 33 43 38 56 47

Notes: Receptions do not equate to persons received since someone receiving a custodial sentence after a period on remand, or several custodial sentences at different times or from different courts, will be counted more than once. Counting conventions are described in more detail in Section 5.



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