
Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2011-12

This publication shows data up to 2011-12 on Scottish prison population levels and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons. This year it includes prison population projections to 2020-21 which were previously published separately, as well as additional background information and analyses.

Direct sentenced receptions by sentence length, age and sex:
2002-03 to 2011-12 Table A.13

  2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 % change over past year
Total 12,829 12,521 12,575 12,921 13,992 14,203 14,638 14,051 13,170 13,677 4
Less than 30 days 355 328 355 380 465 484 530 528 415 323 -22
30-59 days 989 950 817 910 1,136 1,021 898 704 662 486 -27
60-89 days 1,201 1,149 1,540 1,977 2,264 2,113 1,682 1,520 1,349 947 -30
90 days/3 months 2,396 2,277 2,180 1,902 1,778 1,583 1,178 842 593 555 -6
Over 3 months - less than 6 months 2,549 2,498 2,842 2,818 2,982 2,977 2,980 2,756 2,909 3,307 14
6 months - less than 2 years 3,745 3,633 3,365 3,460 3,812 4,304 5,552 5,791 5,519 6,209 13
2 years - less than 4 years 777 862 800 873 963 1,065 1,168 1,287 1,149 1,199 4
4 years & over (excluding life) 743 726 585 530 517 581 560 530 492 560 14
Life/Section 205 74 98 91 71 75 75 90 93 82 91 11
Average sentence imposed (days) 326 336 306 295 291 313 324 343 343 358 4
Young offenders 2,225 2,004 1,948 2,162 2,287 2,357 2,264 2,144 1,709 1,688 -1
Less than 30 days 74 58 59 57 58 76 69 50 43 28 -35
30-59 days 149 142 101 110 137 154 127 87 78 44 -44
60-89 days 189 158 201 321 301 287 223 191 158 90 -43
90 days/3 months 405 382 322 315 283 240 193 135 79 69 -13
Over 3 months - less than 6 months 410 353 412 410 483 466 414 396 336 352 5
6 months - less than 2 years 768 691 653 706 809 862 977 995 779 884 13
2 years - less than 4 years 135 121 136 154 151 176 186 226 166 159 -4
4 years & over (excluding life) 82 87 55 74 54 82 60 52 60 54 -10
Life/Section 205 13 12 9 15 11 14 15 12 10 8 -20
Average sentence imposed (days) 290 304 286 301 283 316 314 348 349 366 5
Adults 10,604 10,517 10,627 10,759 11,705 11,846 12,374 11,907 11,461 11,989 5
Less than 30 days 281 270 296 323 407 408 461 478 372 295 -21
30-59 days 840 808 716 800 999 867 771 617 584 442 -24
60-89 days 1,012 991 1,339 1,656 1,963 1,826 1,459 1,329 1,191 857 -28
90 days/3 months 1,991 1,895 1,858 1,587 1,495 1,343 985 707 514 486 -5
Over 3 months - less than 6 months 2,139 2,145 2,430 2,408 2,499 2,511 2,566 2,360 2,573 2,955 15
6 months - less than 2 years 2,977 2,942 2,712 2,754 3,003 3,442 4,575 4,796 4,740 5,325 12
2 years - less than 4 years 642 741 664 719 812 889 982 1,061 983 1,040 6
4 years & over (excluding life) 661 639 530 456 463 499 500 478 432 506 17
Life/Section 205 61 86 82 56 64 61 75 81 72 83 15
Average sentence imposed (days) 333 342 309 294 293 312 326 342 342 357 4
Men 12,116 11,743 11,724 12,089 13,059 13,261 13,613 13,029 12,144 12,633 4
Less than 30 days 334 304 335 346 419 438 486 479 362 285 -21
30-59 days 934 882 745 833 1,040 941 809 634 608 440 -28
60-89 days 1,126 1,064 1,427 1,848 2,118 1,973 1,561 1,401 1,259 880 -30
90 days/3 months 2,255 2,126 2,032 1,763 1,660 1,494 1,099 781 547 501 -8
Over 3 months - less than 6 months 2,394 2,347 2,649 2,681 2,796 2,801 2,770 2,539 2,664 3,025 14
6 months - less than 2 years 3,547 3,406 3,119 3,214 3,541 3,983 5,160 5,396 5,080 5,756 13
2 years - less than 4 years 736 818 758 822 911 996 1,099 1,203 1,078 1,132 5
4 years & over (excluding life) 720 703 569 515 500 560 543 507 469 531 13
Life/Section 205 70 93 90 67 74 75 86 89 77 83 8
Average sentence imposed (days) 330 341 311 299 295 316 328 347 347 363 5
Women 713 778 851 832 933 942 1,025 1,022 1,026 1,044 2
Less than 30 days 21 24 20 34 46 46 44 49 53 38 -28
30-59 days 55 68 72 77 96 80 89 70 54 46 -15
60-89 days 75 85 113 129 146 140 121 119 90 67 -26
90 days/3 months 141 151 148 139 118 89 79 61 46 54 17
Over 3 months - less than 6 months 155 151 193 137 186 176 210 217 245 282 15
6 months - less than 2 years 198 227 246 246 271 321 392 395 439 453 3
2 years - less than 4 years 41 44 42 51 52 69 69 84 71 67 -6
4 years & over (excluding life) 23 23 16 15 17 21 17 23 23 29 26
Life/Section 205 4 5 1 4 1  - 4 4 5 8 60
Average sentence imposed (days) 257 263 227 238 237 275 271 292 294 302 3

Notes: Receptions do not equate to persons received since someone receiving a custodial sentence after a period on remand, or several custodial sentences at different times or from different courts, will be counted more than once. Counting conventions are described in more detail in Section 5. Average sentence imposed excludes life and Section 205 sentences.



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