Private Rented Sector Resilience group minutes: 19 April 2021

Minutes of the 19 April 2021 meeting of the Private Rented Sector Resilience Group.

Attendees and apologies

  • Nina Ballantyne, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) - Chair
  • Alice Tooms-Moore, Shelter Scotland
  • Aoife Deary, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS)
  • Duncan Thomson, Glasgow City Council
  • Katrina Reid, Public Health Scotland (PHS)
  • Ross Anderson, guest from ALACHO
  • Debbie King, Shelter Scotland
  • Lisa Borthwick, Shelter Scotland
  • Laura Caven, COSLA
  • Yvonne Gavan SG
  • Denise Buchanan SG


  • Chris McKee
  • Emma Anderson
  • Tony Cain
  • Mandy Brown
  • Amanda Callaghan
  • Colin McRae

Items and actions

Welcome and note of previous meeting

The group was content with the note of the previous meeting, subject to the reference to ‘Landlord Loan Fund’ being corrected to ‘Tenant Hardship Loan Fund’.

Actions from previous meeting

  • Tenant hardship Loan Fund letter to be shared.
  • Terms of Reference: There are limits on publications during the pre-election period therefore the TOR will be published after the election.
  • PARS review - SG to check whether there is a timeline available and what questions will be asked on the review of PARS.
  • How do we ensure the tribunal takes account of section 11 Notices and PARS?
  • Glasgow will follow up on DHPs in the local authority.
  • Shelter met with statisticians from SG homelessness team who agreed to consider collecting Section 11 notices as part of the review.
  • CAS hoping to meet with SG DHP team outwith PRS Resilience group meeting.
  • Agreed to keep HPRG feedback on agenda.
  • COSLA to discuss joined up comms with SG.
  • COSLA will share notes from LA resilience group, particularly on the views of local authorities on the end of restrictions on the enforcement of evictions.
  • Reference in the previous minutes should be corrected from ‘Landlord Loan Fund’ to Tenant Hardship Loan Fund.
  • CAS will respond to UK Government on social security support for renters, taking account of any comments on the draft reply.

Recovery Paper

CAS thanked those who had fed into the Recovery paper, which will be presented to the new Minister from the group as a whole. Noted that Shelter happy to support, COSLA will take to committee in May, PHS to confirm if they can support with caveat

Action CAS will recirculate paper with additional caveat on officer support as opposed to political support.

Action Any final comments to CAS and members to confirm whether they can add their names to the paper and in what form by 10 May.

End of ban on enforcement of evictions

Action SG to ask the First Tier tribunal about the number of cases that have eviction orders granted that could potentially be enforced from 17 May.

Action CAS to reach out to housing providers via SFHA/SAL and local authorities to try to find out availability of properties.

Action COSLA and local authorities to feedback on any plans for dealing with tenants who have been evicted. 

DHPs and Guidance on Rent arrears

Shelter is seeking clarification and asking for DHPs to be expanded to include rent arrears. Noted that this does not normally happen in practice.

Action SG and COSLA to check previous discussions with group on DHPs.

Discussion of HPRG report and Recommendations for PRS

CAS proposed a note from the group in response to the HPRG report, supporting measures that could be introduced initially as part of the recovery. Shelter noted caveats based on areas where people’s rights might be affected. Also noted that further consultation is to take place.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 17 May, time to be confirmed.


Shelter asked that any concerns about illegal evictions can be shared with them.

The Chair thanked DK for their input over the last year, a new Shelter representative will join the group at the next meeting.

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