
Private Rented Sector Resilience Group minutes: 22 February 2021

Minutes of the 22 February 2021 meeting of the Private Rented Sector Resilience Group.

Attendees and apologies

  • Alice Tooms-Moore, Shelter Scotland
  • Debbie King, Shelter Scotland
  • Duncan Thomson, Glasgow City Council (until 3pm)
  • Laura Caven, COSLA
  • Katrina Reid, Public Health Scotland
  • Chris McKee, City of Edinburgh Council
  • Nina Ballantyne, Citizen Advice Scotland (CAS) – Chair
  • Tony Cain, ALACHO
  • Ross Anderson (guest from ALACHO)
  • Aoife Deery, Citizen Advice Scotland (CAS)
  • Amanda Callaghan, SG (until 3pm)
  • Denise Buchanan, SG
  • Mandy Brown (secretariat)
  • Pauline Torley, SG

Items and actions

Actions of previous meeting and action log

Actions were agreed from previous meeting.

Action Police Scotland:  PHS have contacted Police Scotland about ongoing discussions about illegal evictions.  Will update the group once discussed.

Action section 11 notices: There is now no central collation across the sector.   Shelter Scotland will discuss this with their statistician.  SG homelessness team not aware this information was ever collected although could consider doing so. SG homelessness team will attend a future meeting.  Group would also like an update from SG on the Prevention Review Group report, Preventing Homelessness in Scotland, and its recommendations.

Action NRPF: COSLA will ask their colleague to attend a future meeting to discuss NRPF and whether any information on possible support for those who are not asylum seekers.

Action PRS toolkit: SG to provide update for the next meeting.

Action Access to Justice/Housing to 2040: SG to check whether access to justice for tenants is included in Housing to 2040. Noted that this is still at draft stage, so may not make the final version which is likely to be published mid – March 2021.  SG to update group when Housing to 2040 is being published.

Action evaluation of PARs: SG to forward on suggestions to relevant colleagues that could evaluate the PARs by approaching the First Tier Tribunal, contact the Scottish Association of Landlords, utilise the LA newsletters to survey landlords directly and also the Tenancy Deposit Scheme.

Feedback from ministerial meeting

Action: email CAS with any suggestions or comments for the ministerial meeting.

Publication of Terms of Reference

Action: CAS to update with the final change as suggested by Shelter Scotland.  Once finalised SG to add the TOR to the website.

Landlord fund update - latest numbers and how it has compared to Tenant fund

Actions: SG to provide information on the number of refusals for the Landlord Loan Fund and the reasons for these refusals.  Also to confirm whether any applications have been withdrawn. 

SG THLF team to advise on what support and options available for those who are rejected.   Members suggested there was the need for a non-refundable grant.

SG to circulate a copy of the unsuccessful application letter for the Landlord Loan Fund and also the Tenant Hardship Loan Fund.

SG THLF team to confirm whether there has been any discussion on what the underspend might be?  Also to advise whether there is any potential to carry over to the next year or if the underspend could be used elsewhere?

Discussion on extension of and transition from enforcement ban and other emergency powers/protections - issues, recommendations

Actions: Members to provide any solutions and recommendations for what happens at the end of the eviction ban.

CAS are mapping out the various pathways which tenants could be on as a direct result of COVID and will consider where interventions are possible and what support is available.  PHS would be happy to contribute to this work as well.  Please provide any other information/written contributions to CAS.

SG to confirm the dates for the Parliamentary process regarding extending the powers.

Additional consequentials and use to support affordable housing and people on low incomes:

Action: SG to contact the relevant colleagues for more information on this consequential funding and report back for the next meeting.

DHP Update

Actions: SG DHP team will share the latest draft of the DHP action paper for comment.

The Local Housing Allowance was frozen in cash terms.  Minister is keen to push UK Government to reverse this decision.  Will share link to Mr Stewart’s letter which was published on SG website.

SG publishing report on Universal Credit and Homelessness on 12 March.  Will circulate link once published.


Action: SG will check whether suitable for PRS group to continue to meet over the pre-election period.

Action: SG will check with the Landlord Registration team to see whether there is a central database, with any information on the number of landlords and those who have been struck off the register.

Action: Due to technical problems, information wasn’t appearing in the group chat during the meeting.  Please email any information directly to the members of the group.

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