
Building standards: procedural handbook (third edition, version 1.6)

Clarifies procedures underpinning the Scottish building standards system as set out in the Building (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 to help with practical operation.

13 Certifiers

13.1 Appointment of certifiers

13.1.1. Scottish Ministers may appoint individuals or bodies, either public or private, as approved certifiers of design or construction. For full information on certification see the certification handbook, available on the Scottish Government website at

13.1.2. Approved certifiers are directly appointed on specified terms for a period set at appointment. This period may be varied or the appointment terminated for a number of reasons including a breach of any terms of the appointment or a failure to deliver the scheme to published standards.

13.1.3. Scottish Ministers may also approve schemes of design or construction, subject to limitations. Approved schemes are specific to an aspect of design or construction. Further details regarding the role of scheme providers, certifiers and the appointment and review process is set out within the Certification Handbook.

13.1.4. Details of all current certification schemes are published on the Scottish Government website at

13.2 Certification register

13.2.1. Scottish Ministers must keep lists of approved certifiers available for public inspection at all reasonable times. The online certification register contains details of scheme providers, approved certifiers of design and approved certifiers of construction. It also contains approvals and termination of approval date to aid the checking process. This data is updated on a regular basis by scheme providers.



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