
A process evaluation of the implementation of ASSIST in Scotland

Report on the ASSIST pilot programme, which promotes non-smoking in schools.


Table A1: Delivery model in each site


Funding source

ASSIST delivery by

Total number of schools participating in pilot

Start and end date of pilot

Number of cycles per school

Key partners

Number of trainers and from where

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Scottish Government

Public Health Directorate Health Improvement Team and Glasgow City CHP sector Health Improvement Teams

10 from 1 Local Authority (Glasgow City)

January 2015 - June 2017

3 (S2 only)

Education Department and Glasgow City Community Health Partnership (GCCHP)


12 from NHS Health Improvement and two from third sector

NHS Lothian

NHS Lothian

West Lothian Drug & Alcohol service is contracted by NHSL to organise and co-deliver the project in conjunction with a multi-disciplinary team including Smoking Cessation and CLD staff

25 across 4 Local Authority areas (East, West, Mid Lothian and Edinburgh City)

August 2014 - June 2016

1 (S1 and S2)

East, West, Mid Lothian and Edinburgh City Local Authorities CLD and NHS Lothian Smoke Free Service

Ranged between 8 and 14:

Trainers included: CLD staff; teacher; Army Link Worker; Youth Workers and Smoking cessation staff

NHS Tayside

NHS Tayside and Scottish Government

Early Years and Young People Team, Public Health, NHS Tayside

27 across 3 Local Authority areas (Perth and Kinross, Dundee City, Angus)

January 2015 - December 2017

3 (S1 and S2)

Angus Council Children and Young People Directorate, Dundee Children and Family Services and Perth & Kinross Education and Children's Services and Community, Learning and Development in Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross


9 from Health Promotion team and 3 from CLD

*Note the same trainer could have delivered in year 1 and year 2 so totals do not sum up together.

Table A2: Student survey results

N %
Lessons on smoking in school
Yes 1532 64.1
No 412 17.2
Don't know 446 18.7
Total 2390 100
School rules on smoking
Yes 889 37.3
No 191 8.0
Don't know 1306 54.7
Total 2386 100
Action taken if student found smoking
Nothing done 155 6.5
Parents told 508 21.4
Student punished 76 3.2
Student is spoken to about it 136 5.7
Don't know 1365 57.2
Other 134 5.6
Total 2374 100
Asked to be a peer supporter?
Yes 477 22.5
No 1280 60.3
Don't know 367 17.3
Total 2124 100
Feelings about not being asked to be a peer supporter
Very/quite happy 95 7.5
I didn't mind 833 65.5
Quite/very unhappy 140 11.0
I don't know 203 16.0
Total 1271 100
Peer supporter talk to you about smoking?
Yes 145 8.9
No 1237 76.1
Don't know 244 15.0
Total 1626 100
Students who answered yes when asked - Do you smoke at all nowadays?
Baseline 49 2.3
Follow-up 64 3.0
Does your best friend smoke?
Yes 211 9.9
No 1712 80.3
Don't know 105 4.9
Total 2130 100
Which of these sentences best describes your friends? Baseline Follow-up
All of my friends smoke 8 (0.4%) 13 (0.6%)
Most of my friends smoke 38 (1.9%) 48 (2.3%)
Some of my friends smoke 93 (4.5%) 103 (4.9%)
A few of my friends smoke 359 (17.4%) 415 (19.9%)
None of my friends smoke 1349 (65.5%) 1133 (54.3%)
Don't know/not sure 212 (10.3%) 375 (18.0%)
Totals 2059 (100%) 2087 (100%)

Table A3: Number of cigarettes smoked

Statements No. pupils at baseline No. pupils at follow-up
I have never smoked 1889 (89.9%) 1850 (87.5%)
I have only ever tried smoking once 137 (6.5%) 162 (7.7%)
I used to smoke sometimes but I never smoke a cigarette now 29 (1.4%) 46 (2.2%)
I sometimes smoke cigarettes now but I don't smoke as many as one a week 13 (0.6%) 18 (0.9%)
I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week 19 (0.9%) 14 (0.7%)
I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week 14 (0.7%) 24 (1.1%)
Totals 2101 (100%) 2114 (100%)

Table A4: How many conversations have you had with friends from school about smoking in the last week?

Number of conversations No. pupils at baseline No. pupils at follow-up
None 1604 (82.4%) 1518 (74.1%)
One 166 (8.5%) 218 (10.6%)
More than one but less than three 78 (4.0 %) 129 (6.3%)
Three or more but less than five 51 (2.6%) 87 (4.3%)
Five or more 48 (2.5%) 97 (4.7%)
Totals 1947 (100%) 2047 (100%)

There was a significant increase between baseline and follow-up for number of conversations reported about smoking within the previous week (Wilcoxon signed rank test, Z= -7.65; p<.0001).

Table A5: Case study observation measures

School 1 School 2 School 3 School 4 School 5 School 6
Adherence to delivery timetable
S1 or S2? S1 S2 S1 S2 S2 S1
Date peer nomination 16/01/15 20/08/15 12/01/16 14/01/16 26/03/15 27/03/15
Date of last follow-up 24/04/15 16/11/15 12/04/16 31/03/16 17/06/15 29/06/15
Total number of weeks for delivery 14 13 13 12 12 13
Peer supporter retention
Number at recruitment meeting 25 26 43 29 25 approx (group split) 40 approx (group to be split at training)
Number at training 25 26 21 in observation group (group split, 43 overall) 23 41 (groups split into one larger group and one smaller group) 22 (observation group)
Number at FU1 22 24 21 in observation group) 24 19 (observation group) 39 (groups were not split)
Number at FU2 24 25 19 (observation group) 24 19 (observation group) 20 (observation group)
Number at FU3 20 24 20 (observation group) 20 18 (observation group) 17 (observation group)
Number at FU4 24 23 20 (observation group) 19 34 (groups initially split but brought together) 16 (observation group)
School staff presence
Recruitment meeting 2 - Deputy Head plus staff member from learning support 1 - PTC Guidance and school lead 1 - Maths teacher and school lead 1 - School lead 1 - Class teacher 1 - Pupil support Worker
Training day 1 As recruitment meeting 2 - guidance and pupil support worker 2 - school lead plus pupil support worker 1 - Pupil support worker 2 - Class teachers 2 - Pupil support workers
Training day 2 As recruitment meeting 2 - 1 Guidance plus 1 pupil support worker (different from day 1) 2 - school lead plus pupil support worker 1 - Class teacher 2 - Class teachers 2 - Pupil support workers
Number at FU1 As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting None None 2 - Pupil support workers
Number at FU2 staff member from learning support As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting None None 2 - Pupil support workers
Number at FU3 As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting None None 2 - Pupil support workers
Number at FU4 As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting As recruitment meeting None None 2 - Pupil support workers
Diaries checked at each follow-up session?
FU1 Yes Yes No No No No
FU2 Yes Yes No No Yes No
FU3 Yes Yes No No No No
FU4 Yes Yes No No No No

Table A6: Student follow-up survey - Do you agree or disagree with each statement?

Statement Yes No Not sure Totals
It is good that peer supporters can talk with students in my year about smoking 623 (74.5%) 37 (4%) 176 (21%) 836 (100%)
It is none of the peer supporters' business whether students in my year smoke or not 124 (15%) 232 (28%) 470 (57%) 826 (100%)
Peer supporters put too much pressure on students in my year about smoking 47 (6%) 457 (55%) 323 (39%) 827 (100%)
Most of the peer supporters I know didn't seem to talk much to other students about smoking 269 (33%) 153 (19%) 403 (49%) 825 (100%)
Having people your own age talking to you about smoking is better than having teachers do it 416 (51%) 133 (16%) 274 (33%) 823 (100%)
The sorts of people chosen to be peer supporters were not the best ones to talk about smoking 130 (16%) 213 (26%) 478 (58%) 821 (100%)
It made no difference to me 167 (20%) 157 (19%) 500 (61%) 824 (100%)



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