LEADER 2014-2020: process evaluation
Initial process evaluation for LEADER 2014-2020 and assessment of its economic, social, cultural and environmental impact on rural communities.
1. Information on LEADER 2014-2020 accessible online via https://www.ruralnetwork.scot/funding/leader
2. accessible online via https://www.ruralnetwork.scot/sites/ruralnetwork.scot/files/documents/LEADER%202014-20%20-%20GIS%20-%20LDS%20-V9%20-%2003%20Feb%202016.pdf
3. LEADER guidance available online via https://www.ruralnetwork.scot/leader/how-to-apply
4. Data extracted from LARCs on 18 May 2018, see annex B, table B.1.
5. Data extracted from LARCs on 18 May 2018, see annex B, table B.1.
6. Data extracted from LARCs on 18 May 2018, see annex B, table B.1.
7. Data extracted from LARCs on 18 May 2018
Email: Eva Kleinert
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