
Procurement of care and support services: best practice guidance - updated June 2021

Best practice guidance for public bodies on procurement of care and support services. Originally published in March 2016, it has been updated to reflect changes that have occurred as a result of the UK's exit from the EU and the end of the Transition Period.


1. References in this guidance to 'carers' include unpaid carers.

2.The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 places various duties on the Integration Authorities established by that Act. These are either Integration Joint Boards or health boards and/or local authorities acting as lead agencies to create a 'strategic plan' for the integrated functions and budgets that they control.

3. The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. (The Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016, and The Concessions Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 are not covered by this guidance), Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and The Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016.

4. Sections 15 and 18 are not just relevant to care and support services contracts but apply more generally to public procurements



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