
Procurement of care and support services: best practice guidance - updated June 2021

Best practice guidance for public bodies on procurement of care and support services. Originally published in March 2016, it has been updated to reflect changes that have occurred as a result of the UK's exit from the EU and the end of the Transition Period.

Annex 2: Reference Group Membership

The Scottish Government invited the following bodies to participate and is grateful for all contributions received:

Scottish Government - Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate (SPCD)
Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers
Scotland Excel
NHS National Services Scotland
Scottish Care
Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS)
Coalition of Carers in Scotland
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland
Audit Scotland
Scottish Human Rights Commission
Joint Improvement Team (JIT)
Scottish Government - Office of Chief Social Work Advisor
Scottish Government - Health and Social Care Integration
Scottish Government - Human Rights
Scottish Government - Third Sector
Scottish Government - Self Directed Support (SDS)
Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
The Care Inspectorate
Social Work Scotland



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