
Procurement - civil engineering dynamic purchasing system – projects up to £5M: supplier's guide

Supplier's guide to assist all suppliers that have joined the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) in understanding how this will be used by buying organisations.

Outcome of calls for competition


After the deadline for tender submission has passed, buying organisations can evaluate the tender responses. Supplier responses will be scored against the assessment criteria defined and included in the ITT.

Once the tender evaluation is completed, and the most economically advantageous tender on the basis of the award criteria set out has been identified, the buying organisation will communicate the outcome of their decision.

Communication of outcomes

Once the call for competition evaluation is complete, buyers will notify suppliers. There is no formal requirement for a standstill period under a DPS. Any voluntary standstill period will be assessed on an individual basis Regulated contract award notices will be published via the Public Contracts Scotland portal.


Collaborative Construction Team: 

Stefano Ferracuti, Senior Procurement Portfolio Specialist: 

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