Procurement Efficiencies: Monitoring and Evaluation of Devanha Phase 2

This research is a monitoring and evaluation study of the Devanha Phase 2 procurement initiative established in 2006 by five RSLs in North East Scotland: Aberdeenshire Housing Partnership, Castlehill Housing Association, Grampian Housing Association and Langstane Housing Association. The research involved a four year monitoring exercise during which data was collected annually. The research also aimed to analyse transferable lessons which could be learned from Devanha’s experience


1. The research was initially commissioned by Communities Scotland which was abolished in April 2008.

2. As discussed in the report, the inclusion of a large number of targets across cost, housing quality and wider objectives has had a bearing on the operation of Devanha.

3. NSSE is a shared equity scheme.

4. A systematic rating against a four point scale based on interview. Potentially useful but caution has to be used in interpreting it, as it presents qualitative information in a quantitative format.

5. New entrant trainee does not mean apprentices - these are identified in table 11.1.

6. There will be double counting where individuals have worked on more than one site.


Email: Pauline Innes

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