Procurement: requirements reserved for supported businesses dynamic purchasing system
- Last updated
- 5 February 2025 - see all updates
- Directorate
- Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
- Topic
- Public sector
Guidance for public bodies on how to access and use the framework agreement.
Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: live
Dates of contract: 07 September 2023 – 08 September 2025
Category: Supported businesses - national
Scottish Procurement have created this dynamic purchasing system to continue to provide Scottish public sector and third sector bodies with a route to market for a range of goods and services provided by supported businesses. This is to ensure that supported business suppliers have equal opportunity to access public sector contracts by using minimal selection criteria to join.
The new dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the provision of requirements reserved for supported businesses is now live.
The key aim of the requirements reserved for supported businesses DPS is to provide Scottish public sector and third sector bodies (DPS public bodies) with a clear path for the purchase of goods and services from supported businesses and in doing so, support the integration of disabled and disadvantaged citizens into the mainstream workforce. This DPS helps ensure the public sector bodies meet the sustainable procurement duty that requires that before a contracting authority buys anything, it must think about how it can improve the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the area in which it operates, with a particular focus on reducing inequality.
It also requires a contracting authority to consider how its procurement processes can facilitate the involvement of SMEs, third sector bodies and supported businesses, and how public procurement can be used to promote innovation. The sustainable procurement duty, outlined in Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, aligns with our purpose to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.
It is underpinned by the National Performance Framework and Scotland's Economic Strategy.
This DPS replaces our national framework for commodities reserved for supported businesses which expired in July 2023. Suppliers wishing to participate should firstly register themselves on both Public Contracts Scotland and Public Contracts Scotland Tender systems.
Contracts are awarded via call-offs, issued by Scottish public sector organisations through the DPS, inviting suppliers to tender for in scope services.
About dynamic purchasing systems
A dynamic purchasing system is a two stage procurement process, where suppliers submit an application to join and are evaluated against minimum selection criteria prior to being accepted. The second stage uses a mini-competition process for contract specific tender opportunities.
Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime. This makes it an ideal route to market for buyers procuring good and services from supported businesses and allowing relatively new supported business suppliers access to public sector contracts. Supported business suppliers who do not meet the selection criteria can reapply to join at any point.
Dynamic purchasing systems must be run as a completely electronic process, as laid out under Regulation 35 of the Public (Contracts) Scotland Regulations 2015.
Benefits of a dynamic purchasing system
A dynamic purchasing system follows a similar procurement process to that of a framework agreement. However, a DPS offers some flexibility in the application process. Supported business suppliers are able to join or leave the dynamic purchasing system at any time.
What is in scope
The Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) will be on a single Lot basis which it is anticipated will hold a wide range of goods and services provided by supported businesses. Descriptions of these goods and services and any subsequent categorisation will be provided via a publicly available guidance documentation attached below.
Who can use this
The service can be used by:
- central government
- health
- local authorities
- universities and colleges
- third sector (voluntary organisations and charities registered in Scotland)
- other public bodies
Note: It is the responsibility of any buying organisation wishing to use the provision of requirements reserved for supported businesses DPS to satisfy itself that it is eligible to do so. If there is any doubt, legal advice should be sought.
Benefits of the service include:
- access to a wide range of supported business suppliers
- easy access for suppliers, encouraging competition and SME participation
- suppliers can join the DPS at any time, provided they meet the minimum selection criteria
- completely electronic process
- streamlined procurement
More information
See our guide to dynamic purchasing systems.
See: all Scottish Government frameworks and contracts
- File type
- 17 page PDF
- File size
- 646.3 kB
- File type
- 17 page PDF
- File size
- 464.2 kB
- File type
- 10 page Word document
- File size
- 103.6 kB
- File type
- 10 page Word document
- File size
- 52.8 kB
Scott McCrindle
Collaborative Delivery Manager
National Collaborative Procurement Division
Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate
The Scottish Government
4 Atlantic Quay, 70 York Steet
G2 8EA
Phone: 07967 320715
- First published
- 18 August 2023
- Last updated
- 5 February 2025 - show all updates
- All updates
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