
Procurement - software value added reseller services framework (SP-21-034): buyer's guide

Buyer's guide for the software value added reseller services procurement framework (SP-21-034).


This buyer guide gives help to public sector organisations to gain access to and use the Software Valued Added Reseller Services (SVARS) framework.

The aim of the SVARS framework is to provide Scottish public sector and third sector bodies (framework public bodies) with a one-stop access to a commercial arrangement for the purchase of commercial off the shelf (COTS) software and associated services.

Framework overview

The SVARS framework goes live on 1 May 2023 and runs for an initial two years until 30 April 2025. There are also options to extend the framework further than 2025 for another two years. 

The SVARS framework is a single supplier, single lot framework.  This means that there is no need for buyers to run a mini-competition to use the framework.

The SVARS framework provider is Computacenter (UK) Ltd. Contact details for Computacenter are provided at the end of this document.

Any call off placed using the SVARS framework, will not have a set or fixed time. This means that the call off length can be of the buyer’s choosing.



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