Procurement - supply of electricity framework SP-21-052: buyer guide

A guide for public and third sector bodies who are considering using the Scottish Procurement supply of electricity framework.

Fair work practices, supply chain transparency and community benefits

EDF Energy Customers Ltd is an accredited Real Living Wage employer and deliver a range of fair work practices including:

  • Living Wage Foundation accreditation
  • do not operate Zero Hours contracts
  • do not use umbrella companies
  • signed up to the Scottish Government’s Scottish Business Pledge

EDF Energy Customers Ltd have also made a commitment to a range of Community Benefits which include:

  • creation of a Social Value Engagement Hub:  Working to create Social Value Action Plans with customers to ensure core health , wellbeing and energy priorities are being understood and addressed, this will be led by a Social Value Specialist;
  • mentoring with charities focussed on combatting climate change or providing expert advice to customers or suppliers via the Social Value Engagement Hub
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