Professionalism and Excellence in Scottish Medicine - A Progress Report

A progress report on the key themes to further enhance the role and contribution of NHSScotland staff following the Professionalism and Excellence Report published in 2009.

Annex E

NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Training in Quality Improvement (QI) and Training for Leadership in QI

Level 1

Target audience: all Foundation, all Core (incl. CMT, CST & ACCS) & all ST3 trainees on entry to training programmes.

Aim: To align fully with the objectives of the (2010) Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland.


Quality in NHSScotland's healthcare

Healthcare policy in action

FYs, CTs, STs - being led or taking the lead

Level 2

Target audience: specific trainee cohorts e.g. CMTs & Learning to Make a Difference.

Aims: To align fully with the objectives of the (2010) Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland.


Quality in NHSScotland's healthcare

Healthcare policy in action

Learning through action: delivering a QI project

Level 3

The Launchpad for Leadership Programme


Email: Diane Dempster

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