
Professionalism and Excellence in Scottish Medicine - A Progress Report

A progress report on the key themes to further enhance the role and contribution of NHSScotland staff following the Professionalism and Excellence Report published in 2009.

Membership of the Professionalism and Excellence Group

Dr John Colvin (Chairman), Chair of the Scottish Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties and Consultant Anaesthetist, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

The rest of the members in alphabetical order:

Name Organisation
Colin Brown Scottish Government
Harry Burns Scottish Government
Frances Elliot Scottish Government
Anne Hendry Scottish Government
Stewart Irvine NES
Aileen Keel Scottish Government
Jason Leitch Scottish Government
Val Millie Scottish Government
Gary Mires Undergraduate Medical education
Ros Moore Scottish Government
Lewis Morrison BMA
Rose Ann O'Shea Scottish Government
Lewis Ritchie SMASAC
Shirley Rogers Scottish Government
Nicola Steedman Scottish Government
Rachel Swann Scottish Academy - Trainees
Jill Vickerman Scottish Government
Iain Wallace SAMD
Emma Watson Directors of Medical Education
Dan Wynne GMC


Email: Diane Dempster

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