
Education - qualifications and assessment review: consultation

We are consulting on the options for change as part of Professor Hayward's independent review of the future of qualifications and assessment. We are inviting responses to this consultation by 16 December 2022.

4. Considering how evidence should best be presented

4.1 Topic: Recognising Achievement at the end of the Broad General Education (BGE)

Background: In other jurisdictions, learning culminates in a certificate of achievement. We have heard views that it would be helpful to have the learning of all young people recognised when they complete the BGE phase (this is usually at the end of s3). Some people have suggested that this should be a digital profile where a learner is able to show the skills, experiences, learning and qualifications they have accumulated to date, before they go into the senior phase. For most learners, the BGE award would lead into the senior phase although could constitute a leaving certificate if an individual leaves school or college in S4.

Question 5: Please share your thoughts (advantages/disadvantages) on the idea of introducing an achievement, award or qualification at the end of the BGE.

4.2 Topic: Recognising Achievement in the Senior Phase

Background: We have also received suggestions that there should be a leaving certificate available as part of the senior phase. This could potentially include a broader range of evidence of achievements than subject based qualifications. For example, a leaving certificate could include achievements, in individual curriculum areas, evidence of skills and competence development, contributions to communities and wider achievements.

Question 6: Please share your thoughts (advantages/disadvantages) on the idea of introducing a type of leaving certificate in the Senior Phase.



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