
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015: Highlights from Scotland's results

Report covering Scotland's performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015, covering maths reading and science.

Table A.7: Relationship between student performance in science and the PISA Index of Economic, Social and Cultural Status ( ESCS) and immigration background: OECD and UK administrations

Unadjusted mean score 1 Mean score if students were on the OECD mean for background 2 Strength of relationship between performance and ESCS 3 Slope of socio-economic gradient 4 Differences in science performance by immigration background 5
Australia 510 500 11.7 44 -2
Austria 495 492 15.9 45 70
Belgium 502 496 19.3 48 66
Canada 528 511 8.8 34 -2
Chile 447 463 16.9 32 31
Czech Republic 493 505 18.8 52 32
Denmark 502 483 10.4 34 69
Estonia 534 533 7.8 32 32
Finland 531 521 10.0 40 83
France 495 505 20.3 57 62
Germany 509 511 15.8 42 72
Greece 455 458 12.5 34 45
Hungary 477 487 21.4 47 -17
Iceland 473 454 4.9 28 80
Ireland 503 497 12.7 38 5
Israel 467 461 11.2 42 16
Italy 481 484 9.6 30 33
Japan 538 547 10.1 42 93
Korea 516 525 10.1 44 m
Latvia 490 502 8.7 26 13
Luxembourg 483 481 20.8 41 41
Mexico 416 440 10.9 19 77
Netherlands 509 502 12.5 47 60
New Zealand 513 508 13.6 49 6
Norway 498 482 8.2 37 52
Poland 501 518 13.4 40 m
Portugal 501 514 14.9 31 16
Slovak Republic 461 467 16.0 41 70
Slovenia 513 512 13.5 43 71
Spain 493 507 13.4 27 42
Sweden 493 481 12.2 44 70
Switzerland 506 500 15.6 43 63
Turkey 425 455 9.0 20 13
United Kingdom 509 504 10.5 37 23
United States 496 494 11.4 33 32
Scotland 497 490 10.7 37 1
Northern Ireland 500 496 11.5 36 40
Wales 485 483 5.6 25 13
England 512 507 10.8 38 26
OECD average 493 494 12.9 38 43

Notes to Table A.7

1: The headline PISA score.

2: The headline score adjusted for social background, by comparing the scores between countries for students on the ESCS mean

3: The amount of variation in score explained by social background.

4: The amount that the average score changes with social background - a lower score implies less change as background changes.

5: The mean score for non-immigrant-background pupils (with both parents born in the country of the test) minus the minus score for immigrant-background pupils. A negative figure implies that immigrant-background pupils score better.


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