Scottish scientific electrofishery for razor clams trial - biological and ecological goals: progress report

Report summarising data and main findings from the trial to date.

6. Acknowledgements

Thank you to the trial participants who have contributed to the data collection, meetings and workshops. Special mention to the Scottish Razor Clam Association, in particular Ailsa Leadbetter, Michael Maccorquodale, Scott McKinlay and Alan Forbes for their enthusiasm, leadership and communication to the wider trial participants. Thank you to Terry Shields who provided many fantastic photographs and been very generous in allowing their use in various publications and presentations. The Marine Directorate are very grateful to Clive Fox, Chloe Blackman and to SAMS for their survey work and continued contributions. Thank you to Marine Directorate scientific staff, policy colleagues, Compliance FDF Unit, Marine Analytical Unit, Food Standards Scotland and the Health and Safety Executive. A special acknowledgement for Anne McLay for her vital contributions in establishing this trial and for her support to staff and stakeholders involved, and to Helen Dobby for her comments on the multiple drafts of this report.



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