Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group recommendations: progress report 2023

This report identifies progress made against the recommendations in the Primary Care Health Inequalities Short-Life Working Group 2022 report to maximise primary care’s significant potential to tackle health inequalities and inequity across Scotland’s communities.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AHP – Allied Health Profession

BSL – British Sign Language

C2C – Chance 2 Change

CTAC – Community Treatment and Care

CLW – Community Links Worker

COSLA - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

CPD - Continuing Professional Development

CPP – Community Planning Partnership

COVID-19 – Coronavirus disease

EQIA - Equality Impact Assessment

GMS – General Medical Services

Govan SHIP – Govan Social and Health Integration Partnership

GP – General Practitioner

GPN – General Practice Nurse

HEFT - Health Equity Focused Training

HIS – Healthcare Improvement Scotland

HSCA – Health and Social Care Analysis

IHAGP – Inclusion Health Action in General Practice

MDT – Multidisciplinary Team

MoU – Memorandum of Understanding

NESNHS Education for Scotland

NHS – National Health Service (Scotland)

PASS - Patient Advice and Support Service

PCHIDG – Primary Care Health Inequalities Development Group

PCIF – Primary Care Improvement Fund

PHS – Public Health Scotland

SCVO - Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

SG – Scottish Government

SLWG – Short Life Working Group

VHS – Voluntary Health Scotland

WAHPs - Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships



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