
Environment Strategy: progress report - March 2024

Progress report on the development of the Environment Strategy, as required by section 47 of the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021.


The Environment Strategy is the overarching framework for Scotland’s environment and climate policies. It brings together in one place our plans and actions designed to tackle the twin crises in nature and climate. The strategy aims to strengthen the connections between environmental policy and policies across government.

The development of the strategy is seeking the transformative changes needed to meet our targets to restore nature and tackle climate change, while harnessing the opportunities this creates for our economy and wellbeing. These are challenging questions, that go to the heart of the country we want to be in the future. We are building a strong evidence base to inform the development of the strategy.

The strategy complements and reinforces our vision for Scotland to transition to a wellbeing economy: that is, an economic system, within safe environmental limits, which serves and prioritises the collective wellbeing of current and future generations.

In 2020, we published the Vision and Outcomes[1] for the strategy, setting out the scale of our ambition for Scotland’s environment, and for a healthier and sustainably prosperous society that thrives within the limits of our single, shared planet. This report provides an update for the Parliament on our progress in developing the strategy including the developing evidence base.

Màiri McAllan MSP Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy



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