
Scottish Government relationships with public bodies: progress review

This report, conducted by Glen Shuraig Consulting, contains 14 recommendations for improving how the Scottish Government manages its relationships with public bodies. The recommendations look to strengthen existing policies, address concerns, and allow for consistently effective sponsorship.

Annex A: Progress Review of Scottish Government Relationships with Public Bodies - Remit


The exercise will make proposals for improvements on the ways in which Scottish Government manages its relationships with public bodies in both normal operation and more challenging situations, to maximise the impact of public resources in delivering outcomes for the people of Scotland.


The exercise will review the current delivery of sponsorship within Scottish Government building on the previous work in this field particularly the review in 2015 led by Linda McKay - "Smarter Sponsorship".

It is envisaged that the exercise will review the current position on implementing 'Smarter Sponsorship' and the learning from experiences of sponsorship over recent years to provide recommendations on how Scottish Government should organise and manage its relationship with public bodies and a draft action plan for their implementation.

The review will consider the following issues:

  • How Scottish Government teams and public bodies can most effectively manage risk and escalation of issues when challenges arise; and
  • The organisation and management of the relationship with public bodies across Scottish Government, and how both sponsor teams and public bodies can be supported effectively;.


This will be a short life review: the review will start in March and is expected to report by the autumn. The exercise recognises the breadth of expertise and knowledge within public bodies, and will therefore draw on the experience of public body Chief Executives, Chairs and Board members as well as key Scottish Government internal stakeholders, including Sponsor Leads and corporate functions such as Finance, Procurement and HR.

The review will report to the Executive Team and make recommendations in the areas outlined above. The Permanent Secretary will engage with the Cabinet Secretary for Finance to determine how the recommendations will be taken forward in the context of the development of an improvement programme within Scottish Government and with public bodies.

Review lead and support

The review will be led by Eleanor Ryan. It will be supported by the Public Bodies Unit.



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