
Progressing children's rights in Scotland: an action plan 2018 to 2021 - consultation

This consultation seeks views to identify actions for progressing the rights of the child from 2018 until 2021.

2. Proposed Content of Report – 2015-18

2.1 As required under Part 1 of the 2014 Act, the 3 year Report will set out the steps taken by Scottish Ministers during the 3 year period from June 2015, when the duties were first commenced, until June 2018 to:

  • secure better or further effect in Scotland of the UNCRC requirements; and
  • promote public awareness and understanding of the rights of children, including among children and young people.

2.2 The Report, which will be organised under the ‘cluster groupings’ used in reporting to the UN Committee, will include actions taken across all portfolios to progress children’s rights. It will also report on the steps taken by Scottish Ministers to respond to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Concluding Observations, following the previous review of the UK State party in May 2016, and the recommendations made by other UN treaty monitoring bodies, as appropriate. As a Scottish Government Report reflecting policy developments in relation to children’s rights over the period 2015-18, the content is not subject to this consultation.


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