Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes: Fairer Scotland Duty Summary

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) summary for the proposed prohibition on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland.


70. Following wider engagement across Scottish Government, with representative groups ahead of the consultation and feedback received during the consultation the Scottish Government continues to believe there is not sufficient evidence to amend the proposal.

71. Alternatives to single-use vapes are widely available, including reusable vapes as well as nicotine patches and gum for smoking cessation purposes. The latter options are available through prescription for current cigarette smokers who are trying to stop.

72. Access to smoking cessations support will also remain available. This includes free access to Quit Your Way Scotland[70] and NHS services such as local pharmacies. Local specialist ‘stop smoking services[71]’ commonly held in hospitals, GP surgeries and local community centres will also continue.

73. It is also considered that there is a sufficient notice and transition period prior to the implementation of the regulations, due 1st April 2025, to allow those using single-use vapes to adjust to reusable alternatives.

74. Evidence available and gathered during public consultation helped inform this FSDA. Mostly notably, of the responses relevant to the FSDA, was the support for consideration of how to monitor and evaluate the policy impacts on the areas identified in the interim FSDA as part of the wider evaluation. This is in alignment with comments received on the EQIA with regards to ensuring appropriate monitoring of the policy post-implementation.

75. The Scottish Government will consider an appropriate and proportionate post-implementation monitoring approach for the policy to evaluate impacts.



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