Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes: Fairer Scotland Duty Summary

Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) summary for the proposed prohibition on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland.


1 Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment, Scottish Government, 2024

2 Use of e-cigarettes among adults in Great Britain, ASH (ENGLAND), 2023

3 The Scottish Health Survey 2022 – volume 1: main report. Scottish Government, 2023.

4 Trends in electronic cigarette use in Scotland. Smoking in Scotland portal. Updated 18 January 2024.

5 Who would be affected by a ban on disposable vapes? A population study in Great Britain. Sarah E. Jackson, Harry Tattan-Birch, Lion Shahab, Melissa Oldham, Dimitra Kale, Leonie Brose, Jamie Brown, 2024

6 Number of disposable single-use vapes thrown away have in a year quadrupled to 5 million per week. Material Focus, 2023,

7 Over 700 fires in bin lorries and recycling centres are caused by batteries many of which are hidden inside electricals. Material Focus, 2022,

8 Youth vaping: call for evidence. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, 2023,

9 Scoping policy options for Scotland focusing on understanding and managing the environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes Hogg, D., 2023,

10 Number of disposable single-use vapes thrown away have in a year quadrupled to 5 million per week. Material Focus, 2023.

11 Scoping policy options for Scotland focusing on understanding and managing the environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes Hogg, D., 2023,

12 Dismantling a growing problem. Valpak, 2023,

13 Disposable vapes – a challenge to the recycling sector. IEMA, 2022,

14 Analysis of the Market for Vapes, Eunomia, 2023

15 Agency sets out vapes recycling stance. WastePack, 2023

16 Resilience for the Future: The UK’s Critical Raw Materials Strategy. Department of Business & Trade, UK Government, 2023

17 The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions, World Energy Outlook. International Energy Agency, 2021.

18 Number of disposable single-use vapes thrown away have in a year quadrupled to 5 million per week Material Focus, 2023

19 Scoping policy options for Scotland focusing on understanding and managing the environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes. Hogg, D., 2023,

20 Vaping – Effectiveness as a cessation tool: evidence briefing. Scottish Government, 2024

21 Vaping – Health harms: evidence briefing. Scottish Government, 2024

22 ibid

23 ibid

24 Use of e-cigarette (vapes) among adults in Great Britain. ASH (ENGLAND), 2023

25 50% of users mainly used an ‘electronic cigarette that is rechargeable and has a tank or reservoir that you fill with liquids’ and 17% of users mainly used an ‘electronic cigarette kit that is rechargeable with replaceable pre-filled cartridges’.

26 Vapes that are rechargeable and not refillable or that are refillable and not rechargeable, are still considered disposable or ‘single-use’ even though the lifetime of the vape can be extended through refilling or recharging it.

27 Analysis of the Market for Vapes, Eunomia 2023

28 Use of e-cigarettes among young people in Great Britain. ASH (ENGLAND), 2023,

29 Vaping addiction soon takes hold. NHS Inform campaign, access online 15 March 2024

30 Health Behaviour In School-Aged Children Scotland Study, University Of Glasgow MRC/CSO Social And Public Health Sciences Unit, 2022

31 Use of e-cigarettes among young people in Great Britain. ASH (ENGLAND), 2023

32 Tobacco and Vaping Framework, Scottish Government, 2023

33 Use of e-cigarettes among young people in Great Britain, ASH (ENGLAND), 2023

34 Use of e-cigarette (vapes) among adults in Great Britain. ASH (ENGLAND), 2023

35 Disposable vapes impact assessment. DEFRA, 2024

36 Youth vaping: call for evidence. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, 2023,

37 Summary of responses and government response. Department for Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs, 2023,

38 The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013. UK Government, 2013,

39 , Number of disposable single-use vapes thrown away have in a year quadrupled to 5 million per week. Material Focus, 2023

40 Consultation on reforming the producer responsibility system for waste electrical and electronic equipment 2023. Department for Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs,2023

41 Forces that impact prices and the behaviors of producers and consumers such as supply and demand.

42 Vaping Products Duty Consultation, UK Government, 2024

43 Who would be affected by a ban on disposable vapes? A population study in Great Britain. Sarah E. Jackson et al, 2024

44 Relative poverty is defined as: Individuals living in households whose equivalised income is below 60% of UK median income in the same year. UK Poverty 2024, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).

45 Ibid. Very deep poverty is defined as: People living in households whose equivalised household income after housing costs (AHC) is less than 40% of median AHC income.

46 Poverty in Scotland 2023. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2023

47 Poverty Premium in Scotland, For Citizens Advice Scotland. Citizens Advice Scotland, 2016

48 Scottish Household Survey, Scottish Government, 2023

49 Who would be affected by a ban on disposable vapes? A population study in Great Britain. Jackson et al, 2023

50 Quit your way Scotland website. NHS

51 Quit your way smoking, local services. NHS last accessed 10 March 2024

52 Scottish Health Survey 2021: Supplementary Tables. Scottish Government, 2021

53 Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping: your views - GOV.UK (

54 ibid

55 Understanding the vaping market. HM Revue & Customers, 2024 (full report)

56 Executive summary: Understanding the vaping market HM Revenue & Customs, 2024 (summary report)

57 ibid

58 Going under and without: JRF's cost of living tracker, winter 2022/23. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2023

59 Electronic cigarettes A report commissioned by Public Health England

60 Exploring the uptake and use of electronic cigarettes provided to smokers accessing homeless centres: a four-centre cluster feasibility trial’. Cox et al 2021.

61 The Cost of Remoteness, Reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty. Scottish Government, 2021

62 A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland, Summary and key findings. Highlands and Islands Enterprise (2013)

63 Poverty in Rural Scotland: a review of evidence. Scottish Government, 2021

64 Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings. Scottish Government, 2023

65 Scottish Litter Survey (2023), Tracking public perceptions and attitudes towards litter and littering behaviour. Keep Scotland Beautiful, 2023

66 How Clean Are Our Streets? 2022/2023. Keep Scotland Beautiful, 2023

67 ibid

68 Single-use vapes become fastest growing litter item. Keep Scotland Beautiful, 2023

69 Environmental impact of single-use e-cigarettes, Hogg 2023

70 Quit your way Scotland website. NHS

71 Quit your way smoking, local services. NHS last accessed 10 March 2024



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