
Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes: Fairer Scotland Duty summary - interim

The interim Fairer Scotland Duty assessment for the proposed prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes.

Summary of assessment findings

55. Prior to consultation, a preliminary framing exercise was conducted by Zero Waste Scotland involving officials in the Scottish Government’s Product Stewardship team. A principal researcher from the Scottish Government’s Office of the Chief Social Policy Advisor was also consulted and provided advice and insight to the process. This was further supported using desktop research

56. The framing exercise identified a limited number of potential impacts. As a result, a desk-based approach was considered to be appropriate for this stage of the FSDA and has been used to source existing data and evidence.

57. Following these initial scoping exercises, wider internal Scottish Government consultation and engagement with relevant external organisations was undertaken.

58. Initial contact was also made with a number of representative groups involved in supporting those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. There will be further engagement during the consultation period to better understand how the proposal may impact on those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage across Scotland.

59. At this time, there is not believed to be sufficient evidence of impacts on those who experience socio-economic disadvantage to amend the proposal. Alternatives to single-use vapes are widely available, including reusable vapes as well as nicotine patches and gum for smoking cessation purposes. The latter options are available through prescription for current cigarette smokers who are trying to stop.

60. However, the Scottish Government is keen to better understand where there may be issues not yet identified within this IA. The upcoming consultation period will be used to undertake additional evidence building and stakeholder engagement to further understand this.

61. It should be noted that there is potential overlap between those with protected characteristics considered within the Equalities Impact Assessment who are also experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. This can result in individuals experiencing cumulative impacts from the planned policy proposal. Evidence has not been identified at this current time, but this will continue to be reviewed during the consultation.

62. An Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA), an Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) and a Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) have been conducted alongside this Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA). The socio-economic outcomes considered in this assessment have links across potential impacts identified in the EQIA. It is advised that this document should be read in conjunction with the other impact assessments where relevant.



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