Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes: Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment

Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment (ICIA) for the proposed prohibition on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland.

Introduction to Island Communities Impact Assessment Report

1. An interim Island Communities Screening Impact Assessment (ICIA) was published[1] as part of the Scottish Government's public consultation on the regulations to prohibit the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland, which took place between 2nd April and 14th May 2024. This document expands on the interim ICIA with the findings from public consultation. This updated document will discuss relevant issues and mitigation measures where appropriate.

2. This assessment considered steps one, two and three of the Scottish Government guidance.

1. Develop a clear understanding of the proposal objectives

2. Data and stakeholders

3. Consultation

3. Further information on these and subsequent steps, as well as the importance of Island Communities Impact Assessments, can be found in the guidance on the Scottish Government website[2].

4. The public consultation requested feedback on the updated Regulations, the implementation of the proposed ban, and a suite of impact assessments. A total of 45 responses were received.

5. Common themes throughout the feedback on the Regulations included the need for greater enforcement powers for Trading Standards, and clarity around the definition of 'single-use vape' to include pod-based devices if the refillable pods are not sold separately. Common themes on implementation and enforcement were the need for additional funding for Trading Standards, an import ban on single-use vapes, guidance for retailers and awareness campaigns for consumers, and a clear definition of 'single-use vape.'

6. Respondents to the Business Regulatory Impact Assessment agreed with the focus on the environmental impact, but highlighted data gaps around the illicit vapes market, expected changes to consumer habits and the percentage of single-use vapes in the UK vapes market.

7. The majority of respondents agreed with the contents of the Island Communities Impact Assessment and the conclusion that the policy is unlikely to have a significant effect on Island communities.



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