Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes: Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment

Island Communities Impact Screening Assessment (ICIA) for the proposed prohibition on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland.

Recommendations, conclusions and consultation

73. It is not anticipated that this policy will have a significantly different impact for island communities relative to mainland communities. It is also not anticipated to have significantly different impacts between different island communities and will be implemented Scotland-wide. However, it is noted that costs of products on islands can generally be 15 - 30 % higher compared to mainland costs.

74. We recognise that engagement with island representatives is essential to fully understand the island context. We are also aware that there may be other impacts, either positive or negative, which have not been identified. As such, the Scottish Government will consider how appropriate monitoring of the policy can be designed to ensure any emerging impacts for island communities are identified and addressed where appropriate post-implementation.



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