
Project bank accounts: operational review template - CPN 7/2019

This construction policy note draws attention to a template which has been added as Annex K to Scottish Government’s project bank account guidance.


1. This construction policy note (CPN) draws attention to a template which has been added as Annex K to Scottish Government’s project bank account (PBA) guidance document.

Key message

2. The template collates performance metrics and feedback into a unitary resource.

Target audience

3. This note is intended for all relevant staff:

  • in public bodies to which PBA policy applies (section 1 and 7-11).
  • in all other bodies that can award public contracts to which a PBA could be applied.
  • in other organisations providing procurement routes for the construction of public buildings and infrastructure.


4. Since initial publication the guidance has included a range of metrics to represent the implementation of a PBA in objective terms consistently across and within commissioning bodies. The new template at Annex K of the guidance now marshals this information for ease of access and engagement.

5. Instructions are provided on the template itself for completion and submission to Scottish Government. In essence this is a two-stage process in which the defining features of the project and the PBA are requested initially, followed by operational aspects of the PBA once in use.

6. All public bodies to which Scottish Government’s PBA policy applies must complete the template. All other bodies that can award public contracts to which a PBA could be applied are strongly encouraged also to do so. 


7. Please bring this CPN to the attention of all those staff involved in the procurement of relevant construction projects.


Construction Procurement Policy Unit
The Scottish Government
3B South


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