Procurement: project delivery training framework

Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the framework agreement.

Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: Live
Dates of contract: 7 November 2023 - 6 November 2026
Category: procurement and commercial training frameworks


We are continuing to strengthen project delivery understanding and capacity.

This framework agreement provides accredited/certified programme and project delivery learning. The framework is an integral part of development interventions to build project delivery capability within that wider context.

The framework is aligned to the Scottish Government’s programme and project management principles ensuring that the learning opportunities best support the learning outcomes of the staff attending.

What is in scope

The project delivery training framework is available for:

  • call-off contract - booking on an open course – for example, course run by the provider open to or accessible by the public (call-off form within buyer's guide). 
  • bespoke/closed course – courses designed for and/or run exclusively for the framework body

What is out of scope

  • consultancy services

Who can use this

  • Scottish Government
  • third sector
  • other public bodies via the Scottish Government - listed in the attached buyer's guide


Benefits for public bodies using this framework include the delivery of better outcomes for the people of Scotland, by enabling effective project delivery capability through the efficient, skilled and prudent use of project delivery skills.

Supplier details

If a call-off is required, the framework public body and/or delegate should use the call-off form within the buyer’s guide and send it to the Programme & Project Centre of Expertise (email address at the bottom of this page). You can also talk to them about any queries or concerns whilst completing the form. 

Elite Training and Consultancy (Scotland) Ltd

Brian McKenzie
SG PPM Account Manager
Phone: 0141 648 9904

Stephen Docherty
Lead Account Manager for SG
Phone: 0141 222 2227
General enquiries:

Further information

See the attached buyer's guide for more information.

Information regarding places on open courses and the design and delivery of bespoke/closed courses can be found in the buyer’s guide. For more details about pricing, please contact Elite using the above details.  


Programme and Project Centre of Expertise

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