
The Promise Story of Progress: How is Scotland doing in its progress towards keeping the promise?

A national report co-authored by COSLA, The Scottish Government and The Promise Scotland, presenting the shared approach to understanding progress towards keeping The Promise.


The Promise Collective - The Promise Collective provides a strong framework of partnership working and sharing of information and activity underway across organisations to monitor and report progress. This includes connecting activities through corporate parenting duties; sharing of information and best practice to support improvement activity; and identifying opportunities for further joint working and collaboration

Relative Poverty - A person is in relative poverty if their current household income is less than 60% of the current UK median. Increases in the proportion of people living in relative poverty indicate that the gap between the poorest households and the middle-income households is widening.

Absolute Poverty - A person is in absolute poverty if their current household income is less than 60% of the UK median in 2010/11, adjusted for inflation. Increases in the proportion of people living in absolute poverty indicate that prices are rising faster than the incomes of the poorest household



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