
Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011: Code of conduct for Property Factors

The code of conduct part of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 which property factors are required to abide to.


Section 17 of the Act allows homeowners to make an application to the homeowner housing panel for a determination of whether their property factor has failed to carry out their factoring duties, or failed to comply with the Code.

To take a complaint to the homeowner housing panel, homeowners must first notify their property factor in writing of the reasons why they consider that the factor has failed to carry out their duties, or failed to comply with the Code. The property factor must also have refused to resolve the homeowner's concerns, or have unreasonably delayed attempting to resolve them.

It is a requirement of Section 1 (Written statement of services) of this Code that you provide homeowners with a copy of your in-house complaints procedure and how they make an application to the homeowner housing panel.

7.1 You must have a clear written complaints resolution procedure which sets out a series of steps, with reasonable timescales linking to those set out in the written statement, which you will follow. This procedure must include how you will handle complaints against contractors.

7.2 When your in-house complaints procedure has been exhausted without resolving the complaint, the final decision should be confirmed with senior management before the homeowner is notified in writing. This letter should also provide details of how the homeowner may apply to the homeowner housing panel.

7.3 Unless explicitly provided for in the property titles or contractual documentation, you must not charge for handling complaints.

7.4 You must retain (in either electronic or paper form) all correspondence relating to a homeowner's complaint for three years as this information may be required by the homeowner housing panel.

7.5 You must comply with any request from the homeowner housing panel to provide information relating to an application from a homeowner.


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