
Proposal to designate Red Rocks and Longay as a Marine Protected Area: consultation

An overview of the consultation to designate a new Marine Protected Area within the Inner Sound of Skye, including short summaries of the available documentation. The MPA will protect flapper skate and their eggs as well as the geodiversity feature, Quaternary of Scotland.

NatureScot Advice

NatureScot scientific advice for the permanent designation of the site is presented within the Detailed Assessment Against the MPA Guidelines (for each stage of the selection process) and the Data Confidence Assessment (details of data used to support the site's selection).

During the gathering of evidence and assessment to support the permanent site designation for the conservation of flapper skate, important components of the Quaternary of Scotland geodiversity feature were identified. These are functionally linked to the flapper skate by providing suitable habitat for egg-laying. NatureScot advise that Quaternary of Scotland be included as a protected feature of this site.

The geodiversity feature was formed by glacial action over 1000's years and the components are robust. No additional management implications are associated with the inclusion of this feature (see Management Advice below and CMA for details).

We are proposing to make this an additional protected feature of the permanent site.



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