
National Park in Galloway: proposal by Scottish Ministers

This sets out Ministers’ formal proposal for a new National Park in Galloway and the requirement for NatureScot to take on the reporter role.


3. The Programme for Government 2021-22 included a commitment to designate at least one new National Park by the end of this Parliament, provided legal conditions can be met, making funding available to support this ambition.

4. Extensive public consultation on the future of National Parks in Scotland took place in 2022. In 2023 Scottish Natural Heritage (known as “NatureScot”) provided advice to Scottish Ministers on the role of National Parks and how nominations for new National Parks could be evaluated.

5. Further public consultation on a draft appraisal framework and criteria for new National Parks took place in 2023. The outcome of this consultation helped to shape the final appraisal framework and six broad criteria for new National Parks: outstanding national importance; size, character and coherence; meeting the special needs of the area; strategic contribution; visitor management and tourism; and local support (New National Parks: nominations guidance and appraisal framework)

6. In October 2023, communities and organisations across Scotland were invited (nominations process news release) to explore, develop and submit nominations for their area to be considered as Scotland’s next National Park. Published guidance was provided and support was made available to all groups that registered their interest in exploring or developing a nomination. The deadline for nominations to be submitted to Scottish Government was 29 February 2024. Five nominations were received and these nominations were appraised against the six criteria by an appraisal panel. The report of the appraisal panel can be found here: National Parks - Landscape and outdoor access - (

7. Following the outcome of this appraisal process, the Scottish Ministers have decided to propose the designation of Scotland’s third National Park in Galloway, subject to relevant legal conditions and other requirements being met. The proposal will now be sent to NatureScot (the lead public body responsible for advising Scottish Ministers on all matters relating to Scotland’s natural heritage) to carry out the next stage of the process (“the reporter stage”). This involves NatureScot considering the national park proposal, consulting on this and producing a report for Scottish Ministers on the desirability of the proposed area being designated as a National Park. Scottish Ministers will then consider NatureScot’s report and determine whether to designate the proposed area as a National Park with or without modifications. If the Scottish Ministers decide to proceed, they must then consult on the draft designation order.



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