
National Park in Galloway: proposal by Scottish Ministers

This sets out Ministers’ formal proposal for a new National Park in Galloway and the requirement for NatureScot to take on the reporter role.

Report on the National Park proposal

28. The Scottish Ministers have decided, in relation to this National Park proposal, to proceed under section 3 of the 2000 Act which requires NatureScot to consider the proposal, undertake a process of consultation and report to Scottish Ministers in accordance with the provisions in Section 3 of the 2000 Act. The detailed requirements of the reporter investigation by NatureScot including the statutory requirement on the reporter with respect to publicising and consulting on the proposal and the key areas of advice sought, are set out in Annex A of this document.

29. Scottish Ministers will consider the outcomes of the reporter investigation carefully, taking into account any views on the National Park proposal expressed by those consulted and any significant issues reported by NatureScot. Scottish Ministers must publish and lay the reporter’s report before Parliament.

30. Following the publication of the reporter’s report, the Scottish Ministers may then decide to make a draft designation order to establish a National Park in the area, either in terms of the National Park proposal or with such modifications as they see fit. This draft designation order would be subject to public consultation and scrutiny before the final order is laid before Parliament for approval.

Scottish Government

22 July 2024



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