Scottish National Investment Bank missions: consultation

Proposed missions for the Scottish National Investment Bank. It explains the Bank’s mission-oriented approach and why these are the right missions for the Bank to adopt. This document will be laid in the Scottish Parliament for consultation.

7. Focus of Consultation

Suggested Questions for Consideration

81. Any considerations or responses regarding any of the content in this document is welcome. However, it would be particularly helpful if the following points are considered for discussion in order to aid development of these proposed missions:

  • Should anything be referenced to further support the Bank when developing its approach to meeting its missions?
  • Should an alternative target year for any of the proposed missions be used and, if so, why?
  • Are there suggestions on how the proposed missions could align more with the NPF?
  • When the missions are set for the Bank, the Government will describe how they relate to each of the Bank's objects as set out in the Act. Is there anything which should be particularly considered when setting out how the missions relate to the objects?
  • What else could the Bank report on when measuring performance against the missions?

82. Any written responses to any of the above questions, or concerning any other information in this document, should be directed to



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