
Proposed changes to your child's school: guide to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended

Guidance for parents and guardians who find that their child's school is proposed for closure.


The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (‘the 2010 Act’) sets out the consultation process that local authorities must follow when proposing a permanent change to any of their schools – such as a closure, relocation or change of catchment area. As a parent/guardian, you’ll want to know that, regardless of any change, your child’s education remains the priority and that their needs must be met. You play a vital role in your child’s education and your opinions are crucial when a change to their school is being proposed.

This leaflet provides details on what you can expect from your local authority, Education Scotland and the Scottish Government when your child’s school is being proposed for closure or another major change, and the role and rights you have to ensure that your voice is heard. The 2010 Act ensures that your role and that of your community is secure.


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