
Proposed changes to your child's school: guide to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended

Guidance for parents and guardians who find that their child's school is proposed for closure.


Over time, school buildings deteriorate and populations change, so to continue to ensure the best possible education, local authorities may review and propose changes to their schools.

When proposing a major change to a school(s) the local authority must:

  • Publish a proposal paper, including a statement of the educational benefits of what’s proposed
  • Set a consultation period of at least 6 weeks of term time
  • Let parents and the Parent Council know about the consultation and invite responses
  • Hold a public meeting
  • Invite Education Scotland to prepare a report on the educational aspects of the proposal
  • Publish a consultation report which responds to issues raised through the consultation period

If there is a proposal to close a rural school, the local authority must also comply with additional requirements, including considering reasonable alternatives to the proposal and only proceeding if closing the school is the most appropriate response to the reasons it has identified for making the proposal. For rural schools, these steps must be carried out by the local authority before publishing the proposal paper.


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