
Proposed changes to your child's school: guide to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended

Guidance for parents and guardians who find that their child's school is proposed for closure.


A consultation on a change to your child’s school will often include more than one option, so your views and responses can really shape future decisions – you might even have a suggestion that the local authority hasn’t thought of. You can play your part by:

  • Submitting a written response to the local authority’s proposal paper
  • Attending the public meeting and asking questions
  • Informing the local authority if you think that its proposal paper has significant inaccuracies or omissions
  • Reading the consultation report and Education Scotland’s report
  • Speaking to your local councillors before they vote on a final decision

Your school’s Parent Council can play a key role in engaging with the local authority early on, and then throughout the process. It can also help during the consultation period by canvassing parents’ views and setting up discussions and meetings.


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