
Proposed changes to your child's school: guide to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 as amended

Guidance for parents and guardians who find that their child's school is proposed for closure.


Her Majesty’s Inspectors ( HMI) working within Education Scotland are involved in every proposal that a local authority consults on under the 2010 Act.

  • HM Inspectors must review the local authority’s proposal paper along with other relevant documents. The review will have a particular focus on the educational aspects of the proposal
  • HM Inspectors sometimes attend and observe the public meeting. However, when they do attend, they are not allowed to participate in any discussion or debate. If they don’t attend then the local authority must provide HM Inspectors with a written summary of the meeting
  • HM Inspectors must prepare a professional and independent report on the educational aspects of the proposal being consulted on
  • In preparing their report, HM Inspectors will consider the local authority’s proposal paper. They will also take account of written responses that the local authority has received, a summary of oral representations made at the public meeting held about the proposal and any other relevant documents
  • HM Inspectors may visit schools affected by the proposal when they are preparing their report. In this case, it is possible that they will meet parents, children and staff so that they can hear their views about the proposal

What happens once HM Inspectors have written their report?

  • When HM Inspectors have written their report, they will send it to the local authority. Once they have done this, they have no more involvement with the proposal, unless it is a school closure proposal
  • The local authority must review its proposal in the light of HM Inspectors’ report, as well as all the written and oral representations it has received
  • The local authority then needs to publish its consultation report which will contain the full text of HM Inspectors’ report as well as a statement from the local authority stating how it has taken account of the report as well as any written and oral representations
  • When Scottish Ministers are considering whether to call in a school closure proposal, they may seek HM Inspectors’ advice. Equally, if the proposal is called in for review by a School Closure Review Panel, the Panel may also call on HM Inspectors’ advice


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