
Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Act 2022 - proposed extension of temporary justice provisions: statement of reasons

This Statement of Reasons sets out why the Scottish Ministers are seeking to extend some of the temporary justice measures in the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Act 2022 for one further year, until 30 November 2025. This is the last time the temporary measures can be extended.

Appendix 1: Consultation

The following organisations were invited to provide feedback on the operation of the temporary justice measures, as part of the consultation under section 52(6) of the 2022 Act[29]. This included those who gave written or oral evidence to the Criminal Justice Delivery during its original consideration of the measures in the 2022 Act.

Organisations engaged:


2. Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice

3. Children and Young People’s Commissioner

4. Citizen’s Advice Scotland

5. Community Justice Scotland


7. Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum

8. Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

9. Faculty of Advocates

10. Family Law Association of Scotland

11. Howard League Scotland

12. Judicial Institute

13. Law Society of Scotland

14. Lord President’s Office

15. Police Scotland

16. Parole Board for Scotland

17. Rape Crisis Scotland

18. Scottish Association of Social Workers

19. Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

20. Scottish Civil Justice Council

21. Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

22. Scottish Prison Service

23. Scottish Social Services Council

24. Scottish Solicitors Bar Association

25. Scottish Women’s Aid

26. Sheriffs and Summary Sheriffs Association

27. Social Work Scotland

28. Society of Solicitor Advocates

29. Victim Support Scotland



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