
Protecting Scotland's children and young people: it is still everyone's job

Review of various child protection systems and organisations in Scotland.

3. Overarching Themes

3.1. As part of the review process, three overarching and cross-cutting themes were identified as critical to improving processes and structures in order to protect children and young people more effectively: Leadership, Governance and Accountability; Developing a Learning Culture; and Shared Values. These themes emerged through discussion and debate held by the Review Group based on four background papers which considered: Child Protection Committees, Child Protection Registers and Case Conferences, Significant and Initial Case Reviews, and the experiences of children and families of child protection processes. Review Group members also facilitated the collation of over forty written consultation responses to inform discussions and which were subsequently analysed. A matrix table has been developed for the reader to show the interaction of themes and formal processes in regards to the recommendations (see Appendix G).


Email: Judith Ainsley

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